Diverse Learning Environments

Inchworms (0-7 months)
In the Inchworms, teachers care for the littlest members of the NNDS family. In this room, we work with families to adjust to the newest addition to their world. As teachers, we are there to support parents and build positive relationships between children, families, and teachers in a relaxed, calming environment.
All classrooms curriculums are guided and correlated to the following programs:
The Guidelines for Excellence for Early Childhood Environmental Education Program by the North American Association for Environmental Education (NAAEE)
Project Wild from the Council for Environmental Education
Project Learning Tree by The American Forest Foundation
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
American Academy of Pediatrics’ Caring for Our Children: National Health and Safety Performance Standards Guidelines for Early Care and Education Programs
Pennsylvania Learning Standards for Early Childhood
Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE)
Pennsylvania Department of Human Services (DHS)

Young Toddlers
Honeybees (8-14 months) & Fireflies (14-21 months)
In our Young Toddler rooms, we work with families through the first milestones of sitting, crawling, walking, running, eating solid foods, etc. These milestones occur at different times and can look very different for each child. Teachers begin individual goal planning for each child, so every child is fully supported and challenged on their developmental journey.

Older Toddlers
Junebugs (21-28 months) & Ladybugs (28-36 months)
In our Older Toddler rooms, we support families as children progress on their developmental journey. Older Toddlers are becoming more independent and are working on skills such as utensil use, feeding themselves, potty training, and dressing. Children are also learning through play social and emotional skills to help them work cooperatively with other children, teachers, and family. In these classrooms, free expression in nature, music, and art are encouraged and play a big role in helping children gain independence.
Preschool/ Pre-K
Katydids (36-48 months) & Monarchs (48-60 months)
In Preschool and Pre-K we really are privileged to witness our young friends really develop into to who they are. In these rooms, we strive to continue to partner with families to guide children on their developmental journey while building on problem-solving and challenging children to experience new things. Children are immersed in nature, music, and art all while developing skills in math, speaking, and listening in language, science, etc. Teachers support children through their educational journey naturally through children’s natural curiosity and eagerness to learn.

5 & 6 years
(December 31st birthday cutoff)
NNDS offers a full-day kindergarten program licensed through the Pennsylvania Department of Education. This program continues with our nature-based curriculum while ensuring children are prepared to enter school the year after. NNDS understands that while our local district does offer kindergarten half day it’s important to recognize our family’s needs for a full-day program while also still giving the children the freedom for more time to develop social skills and spend more time outdoors than typical kindergarten.